Dry Land Dynamic Warm-up
Dry Land Dynamic Warm-up: (est. 15-20 minutes)
***Remember to start each movement small and increase it through the reps.
- Leg Swings 2-direction x 10 each leg
- Front to back
- Across body
- Walking Series x 15-30 steps for each of these (or 15-20 yards)
- Walk with rotation (rotate across front foot as you step)
- Walk with Overhead reach (high!)
- Lateral shuffle (each side/direction)
- Karaoke (each side/direction)
- Skipping (& with overhead reach)
- Soldier kicks (alternate is to raise knee up and touch across with opposite hand)
- Standing Series
- Standing trunk twists x20
- Wide leg toe touches (straight leg)x10-16
- Side lunges (side to side) x 10-16
- Air squats x10-20
- Lunge with triple twist x 6-12 per side
- Lunge forward, twist over front knee, twist back other way, then twist back over front knee
- Ankle hops x20-50
- Chest & Shoulder series
- Arm Pendulum swings x30-50 each direction
- Each arm:Front-back, side-side, circle CW, circle CCW
- Wall Stick-em Ups x10-12
- Wall Scapular pushup x10-20
- If no wall, do on an elevated bench/table or the floor
- If possible, change hand positions around
- Focus on bringing shoulder blades together then apart, keeping elbows straight
- Wall or Incline Pushups x5-10
- With a band:Rotator cuff series. Focus on scapular / shoulder blade movement!
- Elbow bent (band to the side), Rotate inside to outside x 10
- Elbow bent (band to the side), Rotate outside to inside x10
- Elbow straight (band to the side), Tennis backhand from inside to outside x10
- Elbow straight (band in front), Straight arm push back (from front to back) x10
- Optional:Repeat walking series and ankle hops
- Arm Pendulum swings x30-50 each direction