April 30th-May 5th, 2018

Weekly Schedule (04/29-05/05):

Monday,          MHS,    Nationals Distance,                            Jim                   9:30-11am
MHS,    Distance Power,                                  Jim                   7-8:30pm

Tuesday,         MHS,    Stroke Training,                                   Dianne             9:30-11am

Wednesday,    MHS,    Drill Focus,                                          Jim                   9:30-11am
MHS,    Distance Optional,                               Melissa 7-8:30pm

Thursday,        MHS,    Stroke Training,                                   Dianne             9:30-11am

Friday,             MHS    Race Pace Training,                             Dianne             9:30-11am

Saturday,        MHS    Nationals Training,                               Maria               7:30-9:30am

Noteworthy: We will continue to train Nationals swimmers over the next 2 weeks. All practices will be focused on Nationals training. Open water prep will be put off until the week of May 14th.

Nationals swimmers please read the below section.

All please read through to the Personal Note at the end of the email for an update on a few of our swimmers who inspired MAC Strong!

If you notice below in the Event Details, the 2018-2019 State Meet is listed and will be held at Waterford Mott High School. Thanks to Kris Goodrich and Jim Izzi, we, MAC will be hosting the 2018-2019 State Meet!!!!!! We are extremely excited about this incredible opportunity. The pending date for The State Meet would be the same weekend as this year, April 12-14 2019. Please put this date on your calendars now! We will be able to show the State of Michigan what it truly means to be a member of our #BAN!!!!!!

Upcoming Events:

May 10-13, 2018                  Masters Short Course Spring Nationals Indianapolis, IN

April 12-14, 2019                    (Pending) MI Masters State Meet Waterford Mott HS

Event Details/Results:

National Meet: Attached is an event timeline for Nationals.

2018 Nationwide USMS Spring Nationals Championship Timeline

Attached is a link to a Google doc for Nationals. Similar to the State Meet we have put together a Google doc. We would like to know what events you are swimming, relay availability, where you are staying, and a phone number. We would love to stay connected with you while we are in Indy. It may be helpful if someone needs a ride to the pool, to the hotel, etc. We also realize that Skip is handling Michigan’s relays but he has asked for each team’s coach/coaches to take a look at the lineups. Let’s do what we do best and stay MAC Strong!


The team dinner in Indy is Friday, May 11 at Buca Di Beppo at 7pm. Thanks for all of the responses!

From the Coaches:

Kris: We are a week and a half away from Nationals! To think we’re taking half of the number of swimmers that we took to State Meet – that is pretty amazing! As you go through the next week and a half remember that rest, recovery and nutrition are probably more important than your swimming so plan those into your race preparation. If you can’t make it to the pool to swim with the team email one of the coaches as we’ve been writing some great and fun Nationals workouts and would be happy to share them with you! See you in Indy!

Maria: Thank you everyone for the gift card. It’s such a pleasure being part of this team and seeing you all achieve goals and greatness. I’m disappointed that I missed the team dinner. Thanks for thinking of me and contributing to a new swim backpack.

Dianne: I am looking forward to continued training this week as a coach and swimmer now that my stitches are out! Please if you would like extra help or instruction on any aspect of training please let me know I would glad to spend the time so you are comfortable in the water heading into Nationals!

On a Personal Note:

Barb, Update from (her daughter Jenna) April 13: I am happy to report that all went well with the initial stage of my mom’s stem cell transplant.  It took them 2 days to collect enough stem cells from me but in the end they got more than they needed and ended up doing the transplant in two stages.  For all its hype, a stem cell transplant itself is fairly anticlimactic.  The excellent staff at UofM made sure to make the most of a process that is basically just hanging a bag of ketchup-colored stem cells on an IV pole and giving the patient benadryl.  On the first day, the nurses came in dancing (like full out dancing) to Madonna.  The second day was more low-key but included a “happy transplant birthday” card and a visit from our close family friends Mike, Jayne and Nicole who came equipped with real food.  She had a small reaction on both days but overall it is a success so far.  There is a VERY long road ahead before her body actually accepts these invading cells but we are happy to celebrate each victory as they come.

Thank you all so much for your support.  Her room at the hospital is covered in images of you and it really makes a difference to her to hear from her large and powerful network of supporters.  We can’t thank you enough, keep the inspiration coming!

Irene: I received my super, extra special t-shirt at the state meet dinner on Wednesday evening.  I want to thank Suzanne for sending the shirt and everyone for their special messages written on the shirt. It means so very much to me. The outpouring of support from the team has been absolutely amazing.  Additionally, to have this year’s state meet shirt boldly supporting those who have been through and are currently going through cancer treatment is not only inspirational, but also very touching.

As many of you are aware, I started on my cancer journey with my diagnosis coming right before Thanksgiving in November of 2017.  After a series of doctor visits with various oncologist here in MI and also in OH, we chose to proceed with treatment with a doctor from U of M.  A protocol of 6 rounds of chemotherapy began on Dec. 19th, 2017.

All things considered, I have been blessed with minimal side affects, and have tolerated the treatments very well.  I was even able to go to swim camp in the Caribbean at the midway point of my chemo.  My biggest struggle to date has been maintaining high enough white blood cell counts to proceed with chemo on what should be an every three weeks schedule.  A couple of the treatments have been postponed by one week, and I’m told this is very normal when approaching the end of treatment.

Indeed, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I have just one round of chemo left.  Yippee!!!  It is scheduled for next week Tuesday the 17th.  I’m hopeful that my white blood cell numbers will be high enough to receive the treatment next week, as I’m anxious for this to all be done and over with so I can get back to a normal existence, which includes MAC practice, just generally feeling better and, of course, getting my hair back.


Marilyn: I am still in recovery for the back surgery and sternum injury.    Phy therapy over the summer and I am hoping to “swim” in July?

Unfortunately I have to go back in the fall and get the metal out of my back so another surgery.  Yikes!




If you have questions for any of the coaches don’t hesitate to ask! Here’s a quick list of emails to make that a bit easier!


  • Password for the Weekly Communication section of the website is: macswimmers

Dianne: h2oranger@hotmail.com
Kris: macswimgoblue@gmail.com
Jim: jimjtg@icloud.com
Maria: carpelacusnatavi@gmail.com
Melissa: jrichardson90@comcast.net

Facebook: MAC Swimmers – Unofficial team communications

Remind: www.remind.com

Go to: www.remind.com
1. Click Sign Up. You will be prompted for a phone number or email address. If you enter a phone number you will get a 4 digit code texted to you for verification. If you entered an email address, you will not get the 4 digit code.
2. You will be asked to enter: First, Last Name and a Password.
3. The next page will ask who you are: Teacher, Student, Parent, or Administrator. Select “Student”.
3. The next prompt is for a class code @_________. Enter: macsw06
4. Click Join. That’s it!